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Low Back Pain Management Programme

Low Back Pain Management Programme


· Introduction of low back pain and other related pain
· Enhance self-care skills
· Recognise different pain relaxation method
· Improve quality of life and mobility

Service Target
· User newly diagnosed with low back pain through DHC Express network Doctor
· Known low back pain patients

Service scope
· Health assessment conducted by Care Coordinator with follow up services
· Formulation of individualized health management plan in accordance to risk level
· Participate in low back pain management class or (Patient Empowerment Programme):
– Improve knowledge on low back pain and related drug use
– Weight management
– Rehabilitation exercise
– Health living style
– Recognise potential risk in surrounding environment and handling method
– Care of low back pain
· Regular meet up (face to face, video call or phone call)

Service Charge

The programme is free of charge